Natural Materials for your little one: there really is no choice!

Have you read anything about Eco-friendly clothing for babies lately? Organic cotton, organic wool, and bamboo seem to be filling the blogosphere. After doing some research and using the products myself, I have joined the Eco-friendly families who choose to use natural clothing for my baby.
Here are my top two choices for natural fibers for baby clothing:
1. Bamboo. The reason is simple. I love that organic bamboo is anti bacterial and anti fungal. All types of bacteria can populate on my baby’s bibs, and I had no idea. Let’s face it—babies spit-up, slobber, blow bubbles, and do all manner of things producing wet clothing. Bibs, onesies, t-shirts, and even cloth diapers are being made with bamboo because of its ability to absorb moisture. Since the moisture dries quickly, bacteria and fungus are less likely to plague my little one’s bibs, clothes, sheets and blankets. In addition, typically bamboo fibers are not produced using pesticides, making bamboo an excellent choice for me and my baby.
2. Organic cotton-- I love cotton, always have. There is something about the breath-ability and lightness that has always appealed to me. BUT… did you know that about 1/3 pound of pesticide is used in making one T-shirt?!? Somehow this makes traditional cotton less appealing. Pesticides not only kill insects, but emit toxins into the cotton plant that even through processing will always be in the cotton fabric. Pesticides are not exactly what I want on my baby’s sensitive skin. Organic cotton is not treated with pesticides or fertilizers, leaving it completely chemical and toxin – free for children and adults alike.
To me, the answer is simple. Organic clothing is better for the environment, better for me, and better for my baby’s health and happiness. With all of this said, you and I also have to be realistic…we may want to purchase all organic clothing for our family, especially our babies, but taking baby steps may be the best solution. At least it was for me. For our first child I had very few organic baby items. Now, with the anticipation of our fourth child, I am happy to say my Eco-friendly stash has grown just like our family has.
We would love to hear about the Eco-friendly items you already have for your little one, and how you have grown to love organic clothing for your baby. Below you will find a great collection of baby items to start your own stash. You can find an abundance of Eco-friendly baby clothing, accessories, and bedding at Are Naturals that you can feel good about buying, and to get you and your baby started on the path to becoming more Eco-friendly one baby step at a time.
